Testoni space will be present in Artelibro 2014 with the work of John de Race
The exhibition One, Nobody ... .Centomila - JOHN DE RACE SHOW ONLY, you will see in the preview by 16,00 all 20,00 on Friday 19 is Saturday 20 September to coincide with the event ARTELIBRO 2014, within which the artist will be present for the Gallery Space Testoni with The True Story of a tree – the only authorized biography from the tree – in the Sala Degli Atti in Palazzo Re Enzo within the Curatorial Project Sergio Risaliti PROGRAM ITALY. myths, archetypes, Nuove Iconography.
Special opening of the gallery for Artelibro 2014:
Saturday 20/09/2014 from 20,30 all 22,30
Serata d'Autore for ARTELIBRO: inauguration One, none ... ..centomila - Giovanni de Race Solo Show
Sunday 21/09/2014 from 16,00 all 20,00