Ester Grossi. Essential

Ester Grossi. Essential



Saturday 13 April 2019
from 18,30 all 20.30

The gallery SPACE TESTONI, in Via D'Azeglio 50 a Bologna, Saturday 13 April 2019 from 18.30 all 20.30 inaugurates the staff of Esther Grossi ESSENTIAL.

Ester Grossi is an artist with whom Testoni Space collaborated for several years and together they shared a path that has been marked by important moments of his pictorial expression: the enigmatic depiction of faces and magical and surreal settings to historical and anthropological research about his homeland: the Fucino in Abruzzo, then coming to a near abstraction investigating the chromaticity of light with Lumen project. His unique use of color has made the protagonist in wall painting in dialogue with the German works by the artist Ingeborg zu Schleswig-Holstein. His latest works combine its graphics capabilities to those generating pictorial icons that confront the viewer with the challenge that Esther Grossi now poses to itself: the pursuit of perfection in 'ESSENTIAL.

The exhibition will remain on display until 22 June 2019.

Ester Grossi He was born in 1981 Avezzano (AQ), Italy.
After studying Fashion, Design & Decor, He has a degree in Television, Cinema and Multimedia Production at the University of Bologna, where he lives and works as a painter. He has worked with international festivals of cinema and theater, music labels and Italian designers and has assets of exhibitions in Italy and abroad. He works frequently with musicians and video artists to multidisciplinary projects.

Via D'Azeglio 50 – 40123 BOLOGNA
Such. +39 051371272 – 051580988
M. ph. +39 3356570830

Tuesday to Friday 16,00 | 20,00 - Saturday 10,30 | 13,00 and 16,00 | 20,00
Sunday, Mondays and other times by appointment


Essential Ester Grossi

Essential Ester Grossi

Essential Ester Grossi

Essential Ester Grossi

Essential Ester Grossi: Red Hook, 2017 Acrylic on canvas. 35×50

Essential Ester Grossi

Essential Ester Grossi

Essential Ester Grossi