The Gallery TESTONI SPACE Bologna in Via D'Azeglio 50, Saturday 23 January 2016 at 18,30 opens DEEP DOWN INSIDE THE COLOR, double solo Ingeborg zu Schlesiwg-Holstein and Ester Grossi, an exhibition organized in collaboration with the Berlin Werkstattgalerie, which is part of the Art Circuit City - White Night at Art Fair 2016.
Following a period of collaboration within Andy Warhol's Factory, Ingeborg zu Schleswig-Holsteininizia to exhibit in New York in the early 80s and then follow numerous other exhibitions in America and Europe and recently in China. Now back to Bologna to one year from exposure to Cube Unipol. Made up of castings and colatedi oil color on canvas, his gestural painting in this exhibition communicates with rigorous interventions pictorial graphics daEster made directly on the gallery walls Grossi, Prize finalist Cairo 2012 and whose works submitted from Testoni space Art Fair 2015 the designer Julia Marani was inspired for his latest spring-summer collection 2016.
The exhibition focuses on the emotional power of color excluding the figuration, creating in the four rooms of the gallery a different chromatic harmony.
In this first room the two artists talk in shades of gray, color to which some psychological theories attribute the meaning of neutrality, borderland, moment of transition, that Ingeborg exalts with two large canvases painted using the color "Swarovski", only granted to it by the famous house jewelery designer for the realization of his works, that in light of the gallery headlights highlights the brilliance of crystal powder contained in the amalgam of silver pigment, upon which the powerful hand of the painter artist created large magenta-pink color jets that appear as fluid unstoppable movement.
On the large wall in front of the paintings by Ingeborg, the rigor of the sign and the harmony of the forms created by Ester in different shades of gray, with countless past and with his unmistakable stylistic perfection, generate a highly dynamic dialogue with the German artist's works.
In the second room, the two artists are compared using the red, the color of passion and energy vital.
The intervention of Ester creates the center of the wall geometric shapes that intersect soft magenta curvilinear figures and red fluorescent perfect triangles, flanked by two great works of Ingeborg deep expertly created white lights fuococon red by the artist leaving uncovered sections of cloth between his throw color.
In the third room dominated by white, the fusion of all the colors of the spectrum.
The most valuable and purest of stones is the diamond, that with its shining light irradiates the whole room from the central bottom wall on which Ester he painted in ivory and silver with a side of white canvas Ingeborg on which appears, out of nowhere, a blue depths as talking water, inspired by his recent collaboration with the Japanese poet Tanikawa Shuntaro.
And finally, The last room enhances the blue, the color of mediation, sensations, from the sky, of transcendence, dell'eterno, infinity impenetrable and mysterious. Five paintings by Ingeborg close together they form as a musical score imaginary world of small and large stains and blue signs, accompanying the pictorial work with their melody Ester on the opposite wall,where a large blue drop caught at the fall evokes clear sound and vital diving in the immensity of the ocean.
The exhibition will remain on show until Saturday 26 March 2016
Opening time:
Tuesday to Friday from 16.00 all 20.00
Saturday from 10,30 all 13,00 and from 16,00 all 20,00
Sunday, Mondays and other times by appointment
Special openings:
Art City White Night
Friday 29/01/2016 from 10,30 all 20,00
Saturday 30/01/2016 from 10,30 all 24,00
Sunday 31/01/2016 from 12,00 all 20,00